Taurus Utility Consultants

Business Gas Broker Providing Utility Services

Gas Tendering – we guarantee to beat your business gas renewal quote because we have been No 1 recommended UK Energy Broker for the last seven consecutive years:


Are you getting the best prices from your current business gas supplier? Gas prices are at historically low levels so it is worth extending your gas contracts NOW! Why not save a lot of time and energy shopping for prices every year. Use our FREE audit and tendering service to get a comprehensive quote from a wide range of gas suppliers. Let us do the hard work for you, with a FREE no obligation quote for during your renewal period. Our independence as a business gas broker allows us to tender to a large list of UK gas suppliers, unlike many gas brokers who have preferred suppliers. We can quickly deliver a range of gas quotes for your requirements, allowing you to compare your current cost with our range of business gas quotes. We will complete all work necessary to change suppliers if necessary or negotiate on your behalf with your current business gas supplier. You then choose your preferred supplier and we do the rest.


Green Gas

We offer something pretty unique in the energy sector – green gas for your business. Green gas is no longer a poor substitute for normal gas. Change your views, change your business, possibly change the world, click to learn more.


Gas Suppliers

For commercial gas customers, whether small, medium or large businesses, we can provide both standard and spot market prices from a range of leading UK commercial gas suppliers. Our commercial gas service is self-funding as we receive an industry fee from the suppliers and determine your current commercial gas costs against a range of OFGEM approved commercial gas supplier’s tariffs, to find you the most commercially viable commercial gas proposition.

Large Business Gas

Fixed or Flexible Business Gas Contracts? Our specialist business gas brokers are in a position to advise when might be best to re-purchase a business gas contract and can procure a new commercial gas contract for you more than 12 months in advance on fixed or flexible commercial gas contract rates. A pro-active approach to managing our clients contracts will make the most of any savings available. For free quotation call now on 0191 477 2244 or email info@taurusutilityconsultants.co.uk

Other Business Gas Broker Services

  • Commercial Gas Prices
  • Why compare business electricity and business gas prices
  • Smart Metering

Start Saving, Simplifying, and Securing Your Future Today!

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Green Gas

We offer something pretty unique in the energy sector – green gas for your business. Green gas is no longer a poor substitute for normal gas. Change your views, change your business, possibly change the world

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