Taurus Utility Consultants

About Us

We have been No 1 recommended UK Energy Broker for the last seven consecutive years* We give free advice to UK businesses, helping them to save money and increase profits


Are you a BIG Business? Industrial & Commercial? ESOS affects you! Click here to find out more. Phase 2 Compliance must be complete by 5 December 2019.

New Website

At Taurus we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of technology and as such we have launched our new mobile friendly website

Global Goals

In 2015 world leaders agreed 17 global goals. We continually press our suppliers on the sustainable goals, see Goal 12

Record Low Gas prices

Business Gas Contract Tariff Prices are at a RECORD LOW – extend your contracts NOW before it is too late, even if your contract ends in 2021 or 2022,

Low Oil prices

NOW is the time to TRUST TAURUS : Crude oil fell on Thursday after three sessions of gains due to massive jobs claims in the U.S. and weak fuel demand.

Climate Change Levy

In these challenging times, we’re happy to let you know some good news about your customers’ bills. From 01 April 2020, the Climate Change Levy (CCL) has decreased from 0.847p/kWh to 0.811p/kWh.

Green Gas

We offer something pretty unique in the energy sector – green gas for your business. Green gas is no longer a poor substitute for normal gas. Change your views, change your business, possibly change the world

Which? best suppliers

We love to bring you the most informative and accurate recommendations available. Check out the most recent Which? recommendations from 2020 which show the best suppliers.